FRC Logo

We can produce and send
a full direct mail package
for the price of a stamp

Helping you help others

Experts in all aspects of fundraising,
from strategy to implementation


Who we

International fundraisers, based in New Zealand

A bit about founder (and "the boss") John...
John Bergin established Fundraising Consultants more than 25 years ago, driven by a passion to help charities and not-for-profit organisations tap into their resources and unlock stories that warm the hearts of their donors. Fundraising Consultants have worked with a wide variety of teams, from the large aid agencies and non-government voluntary welfare organisations to private colleges, high-profile Christian organisations, and start-up charities.

And his team...
A small group of copywriters, designers and communications specialists work with John to provide best-practice professional fundraising and communications advice based on experience, and to produce inspirational, cost-effective materials.

“Fundraising is proclaiming a vision and inviting people to help make that happen.”

John Bergin CEO

John is one of a handful of New Zealanders who hold the internationally recognised Certified Fundraising Executive qualification for professionalism and excellence in fundraising. With more than 30 years of experience consulting in countries such as New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Philippines, Hong Kong, India, Austria and South Africa, he has experience on every continent. John is a member of the Fundraising Institute of
New Zealand (FINZ), a member of the Association of Fundraising Professionals of America (AFP), and a past member of the Fundraising Institute of Australia (FIA).

What our clients say:

"A big thank you... Our staff absolutely loved it! Very worthwhile and now all staff are on the same fundraising page."

Neurological Foundation of New Zealand

"John helped us to understand the key elements of donor acquisition and since starting this journey we have raised in excess of $2 million."

Sisters of Compassion, New Zealand

"Highly professional, concrete outcomes, motivating!"

Bible Society, Austria

"A valuable treasure trove of effective strategies and experience. If you want results, talk to John."

Communicode Consulting, NZ

"Easy to work with, extremely approachable in addition to expertise and an exceptional work ethic."

Allergy New Zealand

we do

Attracting new donors, nurturing existing donors, developing pledges, securing major gifts... from strategy to resource production, we can help. We cover all fundraising disciplines including Acquisition, Annual Appeals, Major Donors, Capital Campaigns and our speciality, Bequests and Legacies. We help you to make a difference.

Create and Produce

Bullet Direct mail campaigns
Bullet Materials that inspire
Bullet Donor aquisition campaigns
Bullet Multi-media communications
Bullet Capital campaigns
Bullet Pledge giving programmes
Bullet Major donor fundraising
Bullet Bequests and legacies

Produce and send a full direct mail package for the price of a stamp

Advise and Motivate to...

Bullet Create Donor Acquisition Strategies
Bullet Develop lifelong relationships
Bullet Mentor fundraising staff
Bullet Build a loyal donor database
Bullet Recruit key fundraising staff
Bullet Build digital platforms

Train and Inspire

We deliver in-house workshops for organisations, tailored to your needs. We offer a wide range of modules and topics, whether you're after a full fundraising training or just a skills refresher session.

Create and Produce

There is no fundraising need that can't be met. It just takes a committed team, some healthy respect for your supporters, a considered strategy - and a dose of determination. We can work with you and your organisation, whether you're a boutique charity just starting out or a large organisation looking for a creative way to breakthrough. Here's a snapshot of what we can do for you.

Bible a Month

Materials that inspire

Creating compelling content from scratch

Mission Without Borders

Donor aquisition campaigns

Inviting people to join and support your cause

Bible College

Capital campaigns

Researching your audience, conducting a feasibility study, and creating plans to ensure success

Bible a Month

Pledge giving programmes

Making an offer they can not refuse


Major donor fundraising

Preparing a case for support, the proposition and the follow up

Auckland City Mission Bequest DVD

Bequests and legacies

Preparing a range of materials, including all the legal requirements, to help people leave a lasting donation

Create and Produce

There is no fundraising need that can't be met. It just takes a committed team, some healthy respect for your supporters, a considered strategy - and a dose of determination. We can work with you and your organisation, whether you're a boutique charity just starting out or a large organisation looking for a creative way to breakthrough. Here's a snapshot of what we can do for you.

Bible a Month

Materials that inspire

Creating compelling content from scratch

Mission Without Borders

Donor aquisition campaigns

Inviting people to join and support your cause

Bible College

Capital campaigns

Researching your audience, conducting a feasibility study, and creating plans to ensure success

Bible a Month

Pledge giving programmes

Making an offer they can not refuse


Major donor fundraising

Preparing a case for support, the proposition and the follow up

Auckland City Mission Bequest DVD

Bequests and legacies

Preparing a range of materials, including all the legal requirements, to help people leave a lasting donation

Advise and motivate

We often know where we want to get to, but struggle to figure out how to get there. Fundraising Consultants specialises in helping charities to break through the blockages, and find creative solutions using simple but important approaches. We work one-or-one or with whole teams.

Bullet Building relationships and networks

Bullet Managing internal change and strategies

Bullet Strategic planning

Bullet Identifying and recruiting key fundraising staff

Bullet Fundraising mentoring for development staff

Bullet Friend-raising strategies? the key to successful fundraising

Bullet Choosing and using the right database for you

Train and Inspire

Designed, created and presented by Fundraising Consultants, we have designed and refined a number of workshops and training for individuals and organisations over the years. Through a full range of hands-on courses, adapted to meet specific needs or areas, we tackle the basics and the nuances of successful fundraising. These workshops are delivered in small groups of no more than 12 participants, to ensure maximum benefit.

Fundraising for Beginners

Starting out to raise funds for your charity can be overwhelming. This one-day course covers the basics. Modules include Fundraising Principles, Communication Essentials, Identifying New Donors, The Asking Process, The Thanking Process, Donor Development and The Role of Legacies and Bequests.

Writing That Moves People

Fun-filled, highly participatory, one-day workshop that addresses questions such as "how do we tell a story that captures our mission?", "how do we write in a way that moves people to support our cause?" and "what are the secrets of a good storyteller?".

The Seven Essential Skills of Today's Successful Fundraiser

Our most popular workshop addresses the must-have skills of effective fundraisers and how to develop them. Today's top fundraisers have to be able to combine big dreams and practical realities, and this workshop shows you how to do both. Attendees receive a comprehensive workbook to take with them.

Building a Bequest Programme From Scratch

Interactive one-day workshop covers everything needed to build a successful bequest programme. Modules include ?Institutional readiness?, Who Makes A Bequest and Why, Asking For A Bequest and The 10 Things To Do Starting Tomorrow

Communication Secrets

Hands-on, half-day workshop focusing on building practical skills. Modules include The 10 Essential Communication Skills, Writing To Inspire, and Managing the Media Mix.


John Portrait

Get in touch to find out how we can help with your fundraising needs.


By Post

Fundraising Consultants Ltd
PO Box 71
Shortland Street
Auckland 1140